Curriculum Vitae

βιογραφικό σημείωμα Δρ Ανδρέας Ζαχαριάδης Curriculum Vitae  Dr Andreas Zachariades MD, PhD, EDRM, ESRS, FCCP, FAASM

08/2002:Volunteer for 1 month as ambulance crew doctor (Chalkidiki, Greece)

07/2004:Diploma in Medicine – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (MD)

08/2004:Volunteer doctor for 15 days in Olympic Games in Athens

08/2005:Preregistration, Nicosia General Hospital

10/2005:Certificate of PHTLS Provider (Course of National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians and American College of Surgeons)

11/2005:Certificate of ALS Provider (Course of European Resuscitation Council)

2006-2012:Residency in Pulmonology (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens)

05/2012:1st place in National exams of Pulmonology, organized by Hellenic Thoracic Society winning a scholarship to Paris

09/2012:European Diploma of Adults Respiratory Medicine (EDRM)

11/2012:Fellow of American College of Chest Physicians (FCCP)

01/2013:Fellow of American Academy of Sleep Medicine (FAASM)

2007-2013:PhD diploma (Title: Prevalence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Cyprus)

2012-2013:Sleep Disorders subspecialty, Hopital Antoine Beclere, Paris, France

09/2014:European Diploma of Sleep Disorders “Somnologist – Expert in Sleep Medicine” [The first ever Cypriot doctor obtaining this diploma]

09/2016:Senior Lecturer at European University Cyprus (Pulmonology)

01/2015-01/2017:President of Cyprus Respiratory Society