Expiratory Carbon Monoxide (CO)

μονοξείδιο του άνθρακαMeasurement of exhaled Carbon Monoxide (CO).

Measurement of exhaled Carbon Monoxide (CO) is calculated using a special device. Is a painless exam without any risk or side effects.
It is used as a tool in smoking cessation programs and also in cases where there is possible diagnosis of Carbon Monoxide poisoning (fires, wood burning etc). Carbon Monoxide levels in exhaled air are well correlated with the levels of Carboxyhemoglobin. So, without the need of blood test, we can have an estimation of carboxyhemoglobin levels in the blood.
Moreover, exhaled Carbon Monoxide levels are an indirect index of nicotine dependence as shown by many studies. As someone begins his smoking cessation trial, the  CO levels are gradually reduced, so this is an objective test that an individual is indeed trying to stop smoking.

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