About us

Dr Andreas Zachariades Pulmonologist Expert in Sleep Medicine Nicosia CyprusFew words about us

Welcome. This site aims to inform the public on various issues affecting the lungs and respiratory system in general. Moreover, information regarding various sleep disorders is provided. The content is edited by Dr. Andreas Zachariades.

Services – Equipment

In our center we offer the majority of all possible tests that one can have for the diagnosis of respiratory diseases, from the simplest to the most complex, while the medical equipment used is of the latest technology, similar to the equipment used in other advanced respiratory centers abroad. Our center is registered in GESY, so our services are offered to all the eligible patients.

Furthermore, the most advanced and specific sleep tests are performed in our state-of-the-art sleep center in Engomi. Our sleep lab is built according to the highest international standards and is the place where the most complicated and difficult cases of sleep disorders in Cyprus are diagnosed.

Dr Andreas Zachariades has been the President of Cyprus Respiratory Society (CRS) for the years 2015-2016. From this position, he tried his best to bring to Cyprus all the latest news and treatments regarding Pulmonology. Since September 2016, Dr Zachariades serves as the scientific collaborator of Respiratory Medicine at Faculty of Medicine of the European University of Cyprus, where he is responible for training future doctors.

Offices – Clinic

The doctor examines at his office, at 101 Acropoleos Avenue, from Monday to Friday, at 09:00-13:00 and 15:00-19:30. In addition, he is an official partner with the American Medical Center (AMC – American Heart Institute) where he also examines patients after appointment. In AMC we admit also our patients and we collaborate with other specialties. In addition, in AMC we have created the bronchoscopy centre where we perform endoscopies of respiratory system in a safe environment. Moreover, in AMC we have created the cardiopulmonary exercise test lab, where we perform ergospirometries,  preoperative evaluations and provocation tests.
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βιογραφικό σημείωμα Δρ Ανδρέας Ζαχαριάδης Curriculum Vitae 

08/2002:Volunteer for 1 month as ambulance crew doctor (Chalkidiki, Greece)

07/2004:Diploma in Medicine – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (MD)

08/2004:Volunteer doctor for 15 days in Olympic Games in Athens

08/2005:Preregistration, Nicosia General Hospital

10/2005:Certificate of PHTLS Provider (Course of National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians and American College of Surgeons)

11/2005:Certificate of ALS Provider (Course of European Resuscitation Council)

2006-2012:Residency in Pulmonology (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens)

05/2012:1st place in National exams of Pulmonology, organized by Hellenic Thoracic Society winning a scholarship to Paris

09/2012:European Diploma of Adults Respiratory Medicine (EDRM)

11/2012:Fellow of American College of Chest Physicians (FCCP)

01/2013:Fellow of American Academy of Sleep Medicine (FAASM)

2007-2013:PhD diploma (Title: Prevalence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Cyprus)

2012-2013:Sleep Disorders subspecialty, Hopital Antoine Beclere, Paris, France

09/2014:European Diploma of Sleep Disorders “Somnologist – Expert in Sleep Medicine” [The first ever Cypriot doctor obtaining this diploma]

09/2016:Senior Lecturer at European University Cyprus (Pulmonology)

01/2015-01/2017:President of Cyprus Respiratory Society