Mantoux test

δερμοαντίδραση Mantoux

What is the Mantoux test?

During Mantoux test,  0,1 ml PPD concentration 2 T.U. (0.1 ml  protein) is injected intradermally. The needle is usually placed on forearm. A small flare on the skin with diameter 8-10 mm appears for about 10 minutes. Reading of Mantoux test is done after 48-72 hours from the same doctor that did the test to the examinee.

Mantoux test can be done without any risk during pregnancy and breast feeding.

Positive Mantoux test can be due to the following:

(a) Infection by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex (M. tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. africanum και M. microti).

(b) Infection by Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria.

(c) Vaccination in the past with the vaccine BCG (if vaccination was done at least 2 months before the Mantoux test).

Side effects caused by Mantoux test

Usual (> 1/100)Local: Pain or irritation at the point of injection.
Not usual (< 1/100)Systematic: Fever, headache     Local: Swelling of lymph node
Rare (< 1/1000)Local: Skin necrosis and pustule

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